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  1. Determine if the system uses data for business decisions.
  2. Determine if the business serves data to other third-parties.
  3. Determine if this system has cost constraints.
  4. Check if there are other specific requirements omitted in this list.

Extended requirements

Describe secondary functionality important for operations but not necessarily visible to the end-users. Examples: collecting metrics and analytics.

Determine if the system uses data for business decisions.

  • The business needs real-time analytics
  • The business uses analytics but not real-time

Determine if the business serves data to other third-parties.

This informs choices for the API design. For example, API protocols, throttling, secure access etc.

  • The business provides external APIs to third-party developers
  • The business does not provide external APIs

Determine if this system has cost constraints.

Check if there are other specific requirements omitted in this list.