Software delivery performance
Continuous delivery
- Use version control for all production artifacts
- Automate the deployment process
- Implement continuous integration
- Use trunk-based development methods
- Have fewer than 3 active branches per repo
- Have less than a day branch lifetime
- Have few or no code freezes
- Implement test automation
- Support test data management
- Increase the ability to acquire test data on demand
- Increase the ability to condition test data into the pipeline
- Minimise the amount of test data needed to run automated tests
- Shift left on security
- Integrate data security, regulation and compliance into the design and testing phases
- Periodically review infosec, OWASP and industry guidelines
- Disseminate knowledge upwards and downwards in the team
- Automate monitoring the security of third-party libraries and packages
- Implement Continuous Delivery
- Create fast feedback loops on the quality and deployability of the system
- Ensure parity between development stages e.g. dev, test, staging, production
Architecture capabilities
- Use a loosely coupled architecture
- Ensure a team can test and deploy on demand without requiring orchestration from other teams
- Architect for empowered teams
- Allow teams to choose their own tools and languages at micro level, as they are the skilled practitioners closest to the code
- Ensure teams adhere to macro guidelines to prevent enropy and chaos